Dutch Bros Annihilator Recipe: Ready in 5 Minutes (2024)

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Attention, all coffee lovers! Dutch Bros Annihilator is coming your way.

This new drink is sure to leave you wanting more.

With a sweet and creamy taste, it’s the perfect pick-me-up for any time of day.

This Dutch Bros Annihilator Recipe is the perfect way to enjoy your favorite coffee drink in just 5 minutes!

With all of the delicious flavors, you will be able to have a refreshing drink that is perfect for any time of day.

Whether you are looking for a quick pick-me-up or a tasty treat, this recipe will satisfy your craving. So, why not give it a try today?

Article Content: hide

1 What is Dutch Bros Annihilator Recipe?

2 Can I make this drink at home?

3 Dutch Bros Annihilator Recipe

4 Tips and tricks for a better drink

5 Things to serve dutch bros Annihilator with

6 Final Words

What is Dutch Bros Annihilator Recipe?

Dutch Bros Annihilator Recipe: Ready in 5 Minutes (1)

Dutch Bros Annihilator recipe is a coffee drink made with espresso, chocolate, caramel, and vanilla syrups and topped with whipped cream and chocolate shavings. The drink has become popular for its rich flavor and creamy texture.

The chocolate and caramel syrups give the drink a sweetness balanced by the espresso.

The vanilla syrup adds a hint of smoothness, while the whipped cream and chocolate shavings provide a rich finish.

While the exact recipe for Dutch Bros Annihilation is a closely guarded secret, there are many copycat recipes available online.

Whether you make it at home or order it from Dutch Bros, this rich and delicious coffee drink will satisfy your sweet tooth.

Can I make this drink at home?

Dutch Bros Annihilator Recipe: Ready in 5 Minutes (2)

Although Dutch Bros does not release the exact recipe for their popular annihilation drink, it is possible to create a similar drink at home.

Add a generous amount of whipped cream on top for the final touch.

Although it requires a little more effort, this homemade version of the annihilation drink will be sure to satisfy your cravings.

How long does it take to prepare this drink?

This Dutch Bros Annihilator recipe can be made in just 5 minutes!

This includes the time it takes to make the espresso and caramel sauce. To save time, you can prepare the espresso and caramel sauce ahead of time.

If you do this, reheat the espresso and caramel sauce before adding them to the drink.

What ingredients do I need for Dutch Bros Annihilator?

The Dutch Bros Annihilator is a delicious and rich coffee drink that is perfect for satisfying your sweet tooth.

This recipe features shots of espresso, chocolate syrup, caramel sauce, and vanilla syrup, all topped off with whipped cream and chocolate shavings.

The result is a decadent and indulgent beverage that will please even the most discerning coffee drinker. This is the perfect drink for you if you are looking for a way to treat yourself or need an energy boost.

So go ahead and try it; you won’t be disappointed.

Dutch Bros Annihilator Recipe: Ready in 5 Minutes (3)

Dutch Bros Annihilator Recipe

Are you looking for an easy-to-do and delicious coffe? Try this copycat recipe from Dutch Bros! Let's start?

5 from 4 votes

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Prep Time 5 minutes mins

Course Drinks

Cuisine American

Servings 1 Drink


  • Blender


  • 2 shots Espresso
  • 1 tbsp Chocolate syrup
  • 1 tbsp Caramel sauce
  • 1 tbsp Vanilla syrup
  • Whipped cream
  • Chocolate shavings


  • Add the espresso, chocolate syrup, caramel sauce, and vanilla syrup to a blender and blend until smooth.

  • Pour the drink into a glass and top with whipped cream and chocolate shavings.

  • Enjoy!

Keyword How to make the Dutch Bros Annihilator recipe

Can I add or replace some ingredients?

Yes, you can add or replace some of the ingredients in this Dutch Bros Annihilator recipe.

For example, if you want a less sweet drink, you could omit the chocolate syrup. Or, if you prefer a more bitter coffee flavor, you could add a shot of espresso.

If you are looking for a dairy-free option, you could replace the whipped cream with coconut.

Whatever your preference, this recipe is easily adaptable to suit your tastes. So go ahead and experiment until you find the perfect combination for you.

Tips and tricks for a better drink

Dutch Bros Annihilator Recipe: Ready in 5 Minutes (4)

First of all, use fresh, quality espresso for the best flavor.

  • For a less sweet drink, omit the chocolate syrup.
  • For a bitter coffee flavor, add a shot of espresso.
  • To save time, prepare the espresso and caramel sauce and reheat them before adding them to the drink.
  • Coconut whipped cream makes a great dairy-free option for topping the drink.
  • Experiment with different syrups and toppings to find your perfect combination.
  • If you don’t have a blender, you can make this drink by stirring all the ingredients together until smooth.
  • This recipe can easily be doubled or tripled to serve more people.
  • The drink can be served cold or hot, depending on your preference.

Enjoy this delicious Dutch Bros Annihilator recipe anytime you need a sweet treat or an energy boost.

Things to serve dutch bros Annihilator with

Dutch Bros Annihilator Recipe: Ready in 5 Minutes (5)

1. Cookies:Chocolate chips, oatmeal, or sugar cookies would all be delicious with this drink.

2. Cake:A slice of chocolate cake or an espresso cake would be a great way to finish this drink.

3. Ice cream:Top your Dutch Bros Annihilator with a scoop of vanilla or coffee ice cream.

4. Brownies:Serve this drink with a warm brownie for a truly indulgent treat.

5. Fruit:A few pieces of fresh fruit, such as strawberries or bananas, would be a healthy and refreshing addition to this drink.

6. Cheese:A small piece of cheese, such as cheddar or Swiss, would pair well with the flavors in this drink.

7. Nuts:A small handful of nuts, such as almonds or peanuts, would be a nice way to add texture to this drink.

8. Crackers:Serve this drink with a few crackers on the side for a light snack.

9. Chocolate:Add a piece of chocolate, such as a Hershey’s Kiss or a Lindt truffle, to your Dutch Bros Annihilator for an extra special treat.

10. Whipped cream:Top your drink with whipped cream and a sprinkle of cinnamon or nutmeg for a festive touch.

Dutch Bros Annihilator is best served cold or at room temperature. If you want to reheat it, reheat the espresso and caramel sauce before adding them to the drink.

Is Dutch Bros gluten-free?

Dutch Bros annihilator is one product that has caught the attention of the gluten-free community.

While it’s true that Dutch Bros uses wheat in its products, the company says that its coffee drinks are safe for people with celiac disease because the wheat is heavily processed, and the resulting drink contains very little gluten.

That said, everyone’s tolerance to gluten is different, so if you’re concerned about your intake, it’s always best to talk to your doctor first.

Is Dutch Bros Annihilator vegan?

The Dutch Bros Annihilator is a popular coffee drink that contains espresso, chocolate, caramel, and vanilla.

While the exact recipe is a closely guarded secret, it is generally accepted that the drink contains milk and cream.

As a result, it is not suitable for vegans.

However, Dutch Bros offers a wide range of vegan-friendly drink options, so you don’t need to miss out on your favorite coffee shop just because you follow a vegan diet.

With a little research, you can easily find a delicious vegan alternative to the Annihilator that will satisfy your coffee cravings.


For people with celiac disease, gluten can cause serious health problems. However, for most people, gluten is harmless. In recent years, there has been a lot of interest in gluten-free diets, even among people who don’t have celiac disease. Some people believe cutting out gluten can help with weight loss, digestive problems, and even fatigue.

Final Words

Whether you order it from Dutch Bros or make it home, this rich and delicious coffee drink will satisfy your sweet tooth. You can easily make this indulgent drink in just 5 minutes with just a few simple ingredients. So go ahead and try it; you won’t be disappointed.

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Dutch Bros Annihilator Recipe: Ready in 5 Minutes (2024)
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